Apr 28, 2023
Jade Wallace’s poetry, fiction, and essays have been published or are forthcoming in literary journals across Canada, the USA, England, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, and India, including This Magazine, Canadian Literature, and Hermine. They are the author of several chapbooks, most recently the collaborative A Trip to the ZZOO (Collusion Books) and A Barely Concealed Design (Puddles of Sky Press), and the solo Rituals of Parsing (Anstruther Press). Their debut full-length poetry collection, Love Is A Place But You Cannot Live There is forthcoming from Guernica Editions in 2023. Their writing has received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and the City of Windsor, has won the Muriel’s Journey Poetry Prize, Coastal Shelf‘s ‘Funny & Poignant’ Poetry Contest, and the Anita and Alistair MacLeod Prize, has been a finalist for the Wergle Flomp Humour Poetry Contest and the Writers of the Future Contest, and has been nominated for The Journey Prize. They are currently the Reviews Editor for CAROUSEL, an organizing member of Draft Reading Series, a member of The Writers’ Union of Canada and The League of Canadian Poets, and the co-founder of MA|DE, a collaborative writing entity.